An Inspired YOU

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Who Will Cry When You Die?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who will cry when I die?"

It's thought-provoking and prompts us to reflect on the legacy we're creating and the impact we're making in the lives of others.

In Robin Sharma's book Who Will Cry When You Die? Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", he delves into the essence of living a meaningful life and leaving behind a lasting legacy of love and contribution.

In today's fast-paced world, it's too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, chasing after success, wealth, and status.

We often find ourselves misled into focusing our energy and effort on things and people that ultimately don't matter much in the grander scheme.

Sharma's book, therefore, serves as a wake-up call, urging us to reassess our priorities and reorient our lives toward what truly matters, namely meaningful relationships, our purpose, and personal growth.

Through a collection of short, insightful chapters, he offers profound insights and actionable advice to help individuals live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Here are ten key lessons from the book:

1. Cultivate a Sense of Purpose

Sharma emphasizes the importance of living with purpose and intention.

We can find more profound meaning and fulfilment by aligning our actions with our values and passions.

For example, instead of merely going through the motions at work, strive to pursue a career that aligns with your talents and interests, allowing you to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

2. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is a practice that can change our perspective and enhance our well-being.

Taking time each day to reflect on the blessings in our lives cultivates a sense of abundance and contentment.

Whether it's expressing gratitude for loved ones, good health, or simple pleasures like a beautiful sunset, acknowledging the positives enriches our life experience.

3. Invest in Personal Growth

Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential for personal development.

By investing in ourselves through reading, attending workshops, or acquiring new skills, we expand our horizons and unlock our full potential.

For instance, committing to reading a book each month on a topic of personal interest can foster intellectual growth and broaden our understanding of the world.

4. Embrace Change

Change is inevitable, and embracing it is vital to personal growth and resilience.

Rather than resisting change out of fear or uncertainty, adopt a mindset of flexibility and adaptability.

Whether starting a new job, moving to a new city, or navigating a major life transition, viewing change as an opportunity for growth empowers us to embrace new possibilities and evolve as individuals.

5. Live with Integrity

Integrity forms the foundation of trust and authenticity in our relationships. Acting with honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct fosters mutual respect and credibility.

Whether honouring commitments, admitting mistakes, or standing up for what is right, living with integrity builds character and strengthens our connections with others.

6. Nurture Meaningful Relationships

Cultivating deep, meaningful connections with others is essential for emotional well-being and fulfilment.

Investing time and effort in our relationships with family, friends, and community members enriches our lives with love, support, and companionship.

Whether scheduling regular quality time with loved ones, offering a listening ear, or showing appreciation for their presence, nurturing meaningful relationships brings joy and fulfilment.

7. Prioritize Health and Well-being

Our physical and mental well-being are paramount for living a fulfilling life.

Prioritizing self-care through regular exercise, nutritious eating, adequate sleep, and stress management fosters vitality and resilience.

For example, incorporating daily exercise into your routine boosts physical fitness and enhances mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

8. Practice Forgiveness

Holding onto grudges and resentment only weighs us down and impedes our emotional freedom.

Learning to forgive others and ourselves liberates us from the burden of past hurts and allows us to move forward with grace and compassion.

Whether forgiving a friend for a perceived slight or letting go of self-criticism for past mistakes, practising forgiveness frees us to experience greater peace and inner harmony.

9. Embrace Solitude and Silence

In today's fast-paced world, the value of solitude and silence cannot be overstated.

Taking time for introspection, reflection, and mindfulness allows us to recharge our spirits, gain clarity, and reconnect with our inner selves.

Whether spending a quiet morning in nature, journaling, or practising meditation, embracing moments of solitude and silence nurtures inner peace and self-awareness.

10. Make a Difference

Each of us has the power to make a positive impact in the world, no matter how small our actions may seem.

Whether volunteering for a cause we're passionate about, helping those in need, or simply spreading kindness and compassion through our daily interactions, we can leave a lasting legacy of love and generosity.

Perhaps one of the most profound takeaways from all of the above is that there is no need to burn the ocean.

Small things make a difference.

As Sharma reminds us, "The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions."

The book is a profound reminder to nurture the relationships that matter to us, cherish our bonds with loved ones and remind those we love how deeply we care about them.

The legacy you leave behind depends mainly on how you live your life and the difference you make in the lives of others.

Until next time, may you build a legacy that matters.

Dion Le Roux


1. Sharma, R. (1999). Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. HarperCollins.