My aim is to inspire people around the world one blog post at a time.

This is the place to nourish your mind, heart, body and soul.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch your own business. Maybe you want to escape the rat race and find peace in simple living. Maybe you want to improve your health. Whatever your dream is, it is valid!

  • Dreams without action are just dreams. But taking action doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job and burning the ocean. Small steps matter. It is the ability to plug away consistently at something over time that is the key. Small steps add up. You’ll get there!

  • If you keep building slowly and consistently with passion each day, adding value that matters to you, then the growth will take care of itself. The keys to achieving success are patience and avoiding complacency.

Fooled By Randomness
Human Behaviour, Psychology, Complacency Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Psychology, Complacency Dion Le Roux

Fooled By Randomness

Have you ever wondered how much of your success or failure is due to sheer luck?

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a renowned thinker and author, delves deep into this question in his book "Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and the Markets."

He argues that much of what we attribute to skill or foresight is often the result of randomness. In other words, we are frequently "fooled by randomness."

It can be hard to swallow, especially for those who pride themselves on their hard-earned accomplishments. However, Taleb's argument does not undermine genuine skill and effort; instead, he aims to highlight how we often overlook the significant role of chance in our successes and failures.

His thesis is both provocative and insightful.

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Dominoes on the World Stage
Current Affairs, Complacency, Change, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux Current Affairs, Complacency, Change, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux

Dominoes on the World Stage

Imagine a line of dominoes, each intricately linked to the next, a delicate balance maintained by mutual dependence. You nudge the first one, and before you know it, they're all toppling over, one after the other.

This visual metaphor aptly describes the interconnected nature of our globalised world. Economies, societies, and countries are so interwoven that an event in one corner of the globe can set off a chain reaction, impacting far-flung regions in unexpected ways.

At its core, the global tapestry of economic, social, and political threads represents an interconnectedness that brings undeniable benefits, such as increased trade, cultural exchange, and technological advancement.

However, it also means that shocks in one area can propagate swiftly across borders, causing widespread disruption.

To illustrate this, let's look at the domino effect in action by exploring some real-world examples …

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The Frog in the Pot
Complacency, Future, Change, Society Dion Le Roux Complacency, Future, Change, Society Dion Le Roux

The Frog in the Pot

Picture a frog in a pot of water. (It's a cliché analogy, but stick with me).

Now, imagine the water is cool, comfortable, and seemingly harmless. As the frog lounges, the heat is turned up ever so gradually. The temperature rises gradually, and the frog, unaware of the subtle change, adapts to the warmth until it's too late.

This well-known metaphor is not just about frogs and pots; it's a lens through which we can view the slow normalisation of abnormal situations in society.

In today's world, we are that frog, simmering in the pot of societal norms shifting around us, often unnoticed. There's an eerie parallel between the gradual temperature rise in the pot and the creeping acceptance of abnormal circumstances as the new normal.

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