My aim is to inspire people around the world one blog post at a time.

This is the place to nourish your mind, heart, body and soul.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch your own business. Maybe you want to escape the rat race and find peace in simple living. Maybe you want to improve your health. Whatever your dream is, it is valid!

  • Dreams without action are just dreams. But taking action doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job and burning the ocean. Small steps matter. It is the ability to plug away consistently at something over time that is the key. Small steps add up. You’ll get there!

  • If you keep building slowly and consistently with passion each day, adding value that matters to you, then the growth will take care of itself. The keys to achieving success are patience and avoiding complacency.

Fifteen Life Lessons From Japanese Philosophies
Philosophy, Human Behaviour, Culture, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux Philosophy, Human Behaviour, Culture, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux

Fifteen Life Lessons From Japanese Philosophies

Japanese philosophies are a treasure trove of wisdom, offering timeless lessons that resonate deeply with the human experience.

These philosophies, rooted in ancient traditions and cultural practices, provide insights into living a balanced, meaningful, and harmonious life.

When we integrate the lessons from philosophies like Oubaitori, Hara Hachi Bu, and Uketamo into our lives, we create a holistic approach to well-being.

These philosophies collectively teach us to appreciate our individuality, practice moderation, and gracefully accept life's ups and downs.

They remind us that life is not about striving for perfection or avoiding difficulties but about embracing our unique journey, making mindful choices, and finding peace in acceptance.

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Why You Are Guaranteed To Get Your Ass Kicked
Personal Growth, Choices, Conflict, Change Dion Le Roux Personal Growth, Choices, Conflict, Change Dion Le Roux

Why You Are Guaranteed To Get Your Ass Kicked

A famous quote by the 26th US president, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, often gets tossed around when discussing courage and perseverance.

It's from a speech he gave in 1910, called "Citizenship in a Republic," but most people remember it as "The Man in the Arena."

He says:

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error … “

We live in a world of critics—people who love pointing out our mistakes and delight in telling us how we could have done things better.

But the truth is that those critics don't count.

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How Different Are The Seven Generations Alive Today?
Personal Growth, Human Behaviour, Change Dion Le Roux Personal Growth, Human Behaviour, Change Dion Le Roux

How Different Are The Seven Generations Alive Today?

So, be honest, have you ever rolled your eyes when you heard someone say, "Back in my day ..." or "The children of today ... "?

Have you ever said these things?

Mmmm, I thought so.

So, how about we stroll through the seven generations alive today and see what we can learn?

As each generation brings its unique perspective, values, and quirks to the table, shaping the world in its own way, differences emerge, and with them, perceptions are formed.

Perceptions that are not always accurate.

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The Tyranny of the Top Floor

The Tyranny of the Top Floor

Ah, the allure of the top floor.

The pinnacle of corporate success is where CEOs reside in corner offices with panoramic views, and executives make high-level decisions that shape the company's future.

Many young professionals dream of working at a large company's head office and are ambitious and impatient in pursuing this.

But behind the glossy facade of corner offices and executive perks lies realities that few fully comprehend until they've experienced it firsthand.

I call it the "tyranny of the top floor".

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Karma is a Bitch
Human Behaviour, Society, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Society, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux

Karma is a Bitch

The phrase "Karma is a Bitch" emerged as a colloquial expression to convey the idea that negative actions or intentions can come back to haunt us in unexpected and often unpleasant ways.

It suggests that when someone engages in harmful behaviour or mistreats others, they will eventually face repercussions.

The use of the word "bitch" in this context emphasizes the harsh or punitive nature of karma's consequences.

It also implies that karma has a way of delivering justice with a bite, especially to those who have behaved unfairly or maliciously towards others.

But where does the concept of karma come from?

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Prioritise Your Life Or Someone Else Will
Purpose, Leadership, Personal Growth, Change Dion Le Roux Purpose, Leadership, Personal Growth, Change Dion Le Roux

Prioritise Your Life Or Someone Else Will

Imagine this: You wake up to a barrage of emails, notifications, and demands vying for your attention. Your to-do list seems to grow longer by the minute, yet you find yourself spinning your wheels, unable to make meaningful progress.

Sound familiar?

You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to be lured into the trap of being extremely busy but without purpose, constantly reacting to the demands of others instead of proactively charting your course.

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I Can’t Sing But I Speak Sh#@ Fluently

I Can’t Sing But I Speak Sh#@ Fluently

It all started innocently enough. There I was, a young teenager in the shower, belting out UB40's "Red Red Wine" with the confidence of Ali Campbell himself. And I found myself dreaming.

I dreamed of a world where my voice was a celestial tapestry woven with threads of silk and gravel dancing through the air. A world where my ballads would melt hearts with words that carried the weight of countless stories and unspoken emotions. A world where the girls would be enchanted, and audiences captivated.

But eish (alas), the reality was that my singing voice had the range of a distressed donkey, the shower head was cringing, and my sister was shouting at me to stop trying to kill the cat.

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Are You a Good Mentor ?
Quotations, Leadership, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux Quotations, Leadership, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux

Are You a Good Mentor ?

"Mentorship is not about giving your protégé the answers to their questions. Rather, it is about stimulating them to think in different ways so that they are able to answer their own questions." - Dion Le Roux

Imagine having a mentor who doesn't just give you the answers to your questions but instead empowers you to think in ways that help you find your own solutions.

At its core, mentorship is a dynamic relationship beyond just transferring knowledge. A mentor is not a mere dispenser of answers but a guide that stimulates intellectual growth and cultivates independent thinking within their protégés.

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