My aim is to inspire people around the world one blog post at a time.

This is the place to nourish your mind, heart, body and soul.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch your own business. Maybe you want to escape the rat race and find peace in simple living. Maybe you want to improve your health. Whatever your dream is, it is valid!

  • Dreams without action are just dreams. But taking action doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job and burning the ocean. Small steps matter. It is the ability to plug away consistently at something over time that is the key. Small steps add up. You’ll get there!

  • If you keep building slowly and consistently with passion each day, adding value that matters to you, then the growth will take care of itself. The keys to achieving success are patience and avoiding complacency.

Are You a Puppet on a String?
Dion Le Roux Dion Le Roux

Are You a Puppet on a String?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you're being manipulated emotionally but can't quite put your finger on it?

Emotional manipulation is a subtle yet powerful tool individuals use to control, influence, or exploit others.

A manipulator may be somebody who's insecure and tries to boost themselves up by putting others down or making them feel guilty.

It may also be someone who is super controlling and uses manipulation to keep people in line or get what they want without considering how it affects them.

Sometimes, a manipulator is just really good at reading people and knows how to push their buttons to get what they want.

They could even be your friend, family member, partner, or coworker.

Let's take a closer look at some common emotional manipulation tactics …

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His Brain … Her Brain … Different Wiring
Dion Le Roux Dion Le Roux

His Brain … Her Brain … Different Wiring

According to American author, John Gray, “Men are from Mars”.

They're logical, analytical, and solution-oriented beings with a penchant for problem-solving and a distaste for emotional melodrama.

In contrast, “Women are from Venus” and from the moment you set foot on Venusian soil, a tidal wave of emotions will sweep you away.

According to Gray, women have an uncanny ability to understand and empathise intuitively with the feelings of others.

And yet, despite their seemingly insurmountable differences, men and women are drawn to each other like moths to a flame.

So, are men and women truly wired differently?

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Who Will Cry When You Die?
Human Behaviour, Leaving a Legacy, Reflections Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Leaving a Legacy, Reflections Dion Le Roux

Who Will Cry When You Die?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who will cry when I die?"

In Robin Sharma's book Who Will Cry When You Die? Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", he delves into the essence of living a meaningful life and leaving behind a lasting legacy of love and contribution.

In today's fast-paced world, it's too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, chasing after success, wealth, and status.

We often find ourselves misled into focusing our energy and effort on things and people that ultimately don't matter much in the grander scheme.

Through a collection of short, insightful chapters, Sharma offers profound insights and actionable advice to help individuals live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Here are ten key lessons from the book …

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A World Without Ethics
Leadership, Human Behaviour, Values Dion Le Roux Leadership, Human Behaviour, Values Dion Le Roux

A World Without Ethics

Imagine you're faced with a dilemma.

It could be as simple as deciding whether or not to cheat on a test or as complex as making a corporate decision that could impact thousands of lives.

Ordinarily, your decisions should be based on a combination of factors like your rational thought processes and the values and ethics you subscribe to.

But what happens if this fails?

Let us look at examples of companies who have got things wrong and the devastating consequences that can result when ethical considerations are sidelined in favour of short-term gains or competitive advantage.

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An Introvert in a World Built for Extraverts

An Introvert in a World Built for Extraverts

In Susan Cain's illuminating book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts," she refers to "The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking".

Introverts and extroverts are personality types that describe how people gain energy and interact with the world around them.

Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone or in small groups. They often prefer quieter, more introspective activities like reading, writing, or spending time in nature.

On the other hand, extroverts gain energy from being around other people and engaging in social activities. They tend to be gregarioius, talkative, and enjoy being the centre of attention.

So with this in mind, grab your favourite cosy spot and settle in as we explore the book's key themes with supporting examples that celebrate the power of introversion.

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Stupidity is Universal and Dangerous

Stupidity is Universal and Dangerous

"Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid." - Ricky Gervais

Imagine a world where stupidity isn't a random occurrence but a predictable force governing human behaviour.

It sounds bizarre, right?

Well, that's precisely what Professor Carlo M. Cipolla, an Italian economic historian, dared to propose back in 1976.

He published an essay describing the fundamental laws of what he perceived as the greatest existential threat to humanity: stupidity.

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The Tyranny of the Top Floor

The Tyranny of the Top Floor

Ah, the allure of the top floor.

The pinnacle of corporate success is where CEOs reside in corner offices with panoramic views, and executives make high-level decisions that shape the company's future.

Many young professionals dream of working at a large company's head office and are ambitious and impatient in pursuing this.

But behind the glossy facade of corner offices and executive perks lies realities that few fully comprehend until they've experienced it firsthand.

I call it the "tyranny of the top floor".

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The Boardroom Psycho
Leadership, Human Behaviour, Psychology, Conflict Dion Le Roux Leadership, Human Behaviour, Psychology, Conflict Dion Le Roux

The Boardroom Psycho

Imagine a world where the boardroom is a battleground, and the players wear suits instead of armour.

In "Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work," authors Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare offer a chilling glimpse into this reality—one where psychopathy infiltrates the corporate landscape and leaves a trail of manipulation and destruction in its wake.

Contrary to popular belief, psychopathy is not solely confined to the criminal underworld.

While some psychopaths may engage in criminal behaviour, many others operate within legal boundaries, holding positions of power and authority in society.

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You’re Biased and I’ll Prove It
Human Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence Dion Le Roux

You’re Biased and I’ll Prove It

Bias is a word that often carries negative connotations, suggesting unfairness, prejudice, and discrimination.

But bias is inherent in all of us, rooted in our cognitive processes, social conditioning, and lived experiences.

While biases can indeed lead to unfair treatment or distorted judgments, they also serve as adaptive shortcuts that help us navigate the complexities of the world around us.

So, let's explore the nature of bias, why it exists, and how it manifests in our everyday lives. We can do this by looking at twelve of the most common biases (there are many more) that influence human behaviour.

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Everyone’s Entitled To My Opinion
Human Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence Dion Le Roux

Everyone’s Entitled To My Opinion

So, surprise, surprise … we all have opinions.

Some are as harmless as debating the best flavour of ice cream, while others touch on more substantial matters like climate change, moral justice, or various scientific theories.

But what exactly constitutes an opinion, and how much weight should we assign to them?

Let's begin by taking a trip back to ancient Greece, where the wise philosopher Plato noted that opinions are beliefs that lack the certainty of knowledge.

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Kill the Culture Crocodiles

Kill the Culture Crocodiles

"Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast" - Peter Drucker

The above is a well-known and often quoted saying attributed to the renowned management consultant Peter Drucker.

Paradoxically, many companies have some giant crocodiles lurking in the waters of their company culture. Sadly, these crocodiles prey on the harmony and vitality of the organisation and pose a significant threat to its well-being and success.

A toxic organisational culture left unchecked will ultimately destroy an otherwise great business.

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Intuitive Leadership in a Sensory World

Intuitive Leadership in a Sensory World

Imagine standing at a crossroads and trying to decide which path to take.

Sensing people are the ones who carefully observe their surroundings, noting every detail—the texture of the ground beneath their feet, the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the faint scent of flowers in the air. They rely on concrete data and tangible information to guide their decisions, like a well-worn map that leads them from point A to point B.

On the other hand, intuitive people are the dreamers, the visionaries who see beyond the surface and into the realm of possibilities. They're less concerned with the details and more focused on the big picture, relying on gut instincts and flashes of insight to guide their decisions.

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Karma is a Bitch
Human Behaviour, Society, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Society, Personal Growth Dion Le Roux

Karma is a Bitch

The phrase "Karma is a Bitch" emerged as a colloquial expression to convey the idea that negative actions or intentions can come back to haunt us in unexpected and often unpleasant ways.

It suggests that when someone engages in harmful behaviour or mistreats others, they will eventually face repercussions.

The use of the word "bitch" in this context emphasizes the harsh or punitive nature of karma's consequences.

It also implies that karma has a way of delivering justice with a bite, especially to those who have behaved unfairly or maliciously towards others.

But where does the concept of karma come from?

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Why We Judge What We Don’t Know
Human Behaviour, Psychology Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Psychology Dion Le Roux

Why We Judge What We Don’t Know

Have you ever felt that people are quick to judge? Are you sometimes quick to judge?

Have you ever wondered why we judge what we don't know or understand?

Even the most hardened criminal gets his day in court, where all evidence is carefully weighed before judgment is pronounced.

And yet, as humans, we struggle to extend the same courtesy to one another.

The fifth habit Steven R. Covey mentions in his best-selling book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is "Seek First To Understand, Then Be Understood".

I would argue that for most of us this is not the habit we have cultivated.

So, what are the reasons behind our inclination to pass judgment on what we don't know or understand?

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Lost in the Crowd
Failure, Success, Change, Mindset Dion Le Roux Failure, Success, Change, Mindset Dion Le Roux

Lost in the Crowd

In a world where social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram offer the tantalizing promise of instant fame and fortune, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of being rich and famous with just the click of a button.

But the reality is far more complex, akin to showing up once for a football or cricket game and expecting to be spotted by the television cameras amidst a sea of thousands of supporters.

Imagine you have dreams of becoming the next big thing on YouTube, with millions of adoring fans hanging on your every word.

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Prioritise Your Life Or Someone Else Will
Purpose, Leadership, Personal Growth, Change Dion Le Roux Purpose, Leadership, Personal Growth, Change Dion Le Roux

Prioritise Your Life Or Someone Else Will

Imagine this: You wake up to a barrage of emails, notifications, and demands vying for your attention. Your to-do list seems to grow longer by the minute, yet you find yourself spinning your wheels, unable to make meaningful progress.

Sound familiar?

You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to be lured into the trap of being extremely busy but without purpose, constantly reacting to the demands of others instead of proactively charting your course.

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The Art of Kintsugi
Daily Living, Mindset Dion Le Roux Daily Living, Mindset Dion Le Roux

The Art of Kintsugi

In a world obsessed with perfection and flawlessness, a Japanese art form celebrates imperfection and embraces the beauty of brokenness.

Kintsugi, or the "golden joinery," is more than just a technique for repairing broken pottery by joining the fractured parts with an Urushi lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.

Imagine a delicate ceramic bowl, cherished for its elegance and craftsmanship, accidentally dropped and shattered into countless pieces.

In Western culture, the instinct might be to discard the broken pieces as worthless or attempt a meticulous repair job to conceal the damage.

But in Japan, the approach is different, one that honours the history and journey of the object.

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Are You Civilised ?
Society, Human Behaviour, Change Dion Le Roux Society, Human Behaviour, Change Dion Le Roux

Are You Civilised ?

I asked various people what it means to be civilised, and most responded by describing a set of behaviours, values, and characteristics generally considered refined, cultured, and socially acceptable.

They mentioned things like following laws and societal norms, being educated and knowledgeable, treating others with respect, being polite, demonstrating kindness, etc.

Do you agree?

Years ago, cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead was once asked what she considered the first sign of civilisation in a culture to be.

Given the nature of anthropological fieldwork, the student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks, clay pots, or grinding stones.

Surprisingly …

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The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

“Speak only if it improves upon the silence” - Mahatma Gandhi

In a world filled with constant chatter and noise, there's value in the power of silence.

Sometimes, silence speaks volumes, especially in moments of heated conversation or conflict where it has real power. After all, arguing with someone who doesn't argue back is quite challenging.

For example, imagine you're at a family gathering, and tensions are rising. Voices are raised, emotions are raw, and it feels like the room is on the brink of exploding.

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The Search for Meaning
Purpose, Meaning, Psychology Dion Le Roux Purpose, Meaning, Psychology Dion Le Roux

The Search for Meaning

It's the height of World War II, and Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist, finds himself imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp and experiences firsthand the horrors of the war.

Amidst unspeakable suffering and unimaginable loss, Frankl begins to uncover the fundamental truths about human existence and the elusive concept of meaning.

The result is a powerful memoir called "Man's Search for Meaning" that holds lessons for us all.

In this memoir, he describes, through his experiences, his search for purpose and meaning in life, even in the most terrible circumstances.

Some of the key lessons we learned from Viktor Frankl are …

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