My aim is to inspire people around the world one blog post at a time.

This is the place to nourish your mind, heart, body and soul.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch your own business. Maybe you want to escape the rat race and find peace in simple living. Maybe you want to improve your health. Whatever your dream is, it is valid!

  • Dreams without action are just dreams. But taking action doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job and burning the ocean. Small steps matter. It is the ability to plug away consistently at something over time that is the key. Small steps add up. You’ll get there!

  • If you keep building slowly and consistently with passion each day, adding value that matters to you, then the growth will take care of itself. The keys to achieving success are patience and avoiding complacency.

To Live is to Choose
Change, Choices, Daily Living Dion Le Roux Change, Choices, Daily Living Dion Le Roux

To Live is to Choose

"To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there." - Kofi Annan

On this winding, sometimes bumpy road we call life, our ability to navigate through or around some of the obstacles and potholes can be challenging.

If you're anything like me, you've probably found yourself standing at life's crossroads more than once, agonising over which path to take.

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Is Illness Accidental ?
Illness, Stress, Trauma, Mindfullness Dion Le Roux Illness, Stress, Trauma, Mindfullness Dion Le Roux

Is Illness Accidental ?

Is illness purely accidental, or is there more to it than meets the eye?

This question delves into the relationship between our bodies, our work environments, the environments we live and play in, and our experiences. While chalking illness up to random chance or bad luck is tempting, the reality is often far more nuanced.

When we consider the role of stress in illness, it becomes clear that something more profound is at play.

Stress, whether caused by external factors like work or relationships or internal factors like worry and anxiety, can wreak havoc on your body.

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Authentic Love
Relationships, Romance, Quotations Dion Le Roux Relationships, Romance, Quotations Dion Le Roux

Authentic Love

Have you ever felt like someone's words and actions don't match up?

As humans, we communicate in both verbal and non-verbal ways, but the complexity of emotions often makes it hard to interpret what someone truly means.

Paying attention to the unspoken language of emotions is essential. Just think about it; sometimes, the things left unsaid or undone can tell us more about someone's true sentiments than what they say.

As I write this article with Valentine's Day on the horizon, I know that many young (and perhaps not so young) hearts will fall madly in love. And as magical as that may be, love requires a sober-mindedness that forces us to pay attention to things we are prone to ignore when we are in love.

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Heartbeats and Heartaches
Depression, Emotional Intelligence, Quotations Dion Le Roux Depression, Emotional Intelligence, Quotations Dion Le Roux

Heartbeats and Heartaches

"Sometimes my heart leaks tears like an old engine leaks oil until, eventually, I run dry and everything just seizes up." - Dion le Roux

Anyone prone to suffering from anxiety or depression will be able to relate to the experience of going about your day, navigating through the ups and downs, when suddenly, you feel it—the weight of emotion pressing down on you like a ton of bricks.

You try to shrug it off, but it clings to you like a stubborn shadow, refusing to let go. Each passing moment feels like another drop in the bucket until you eventually find yourself drowning in a sea of emotion.

It's as if your heart has sprung a leak, and no matter how hard you try to patch it up, the tears keep flowing.

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The Simple Things
Daily Living, Quotations Dion Le Roux Daily Living, Quotations Dion Le Roux

The Simple Things

Life can be overwhelming sometimes, with the constant rush making it hard to appreciate the little things that make life worthwhile.

Do you ever feel you like hitting the pause button and occasionally the rewind button to savour a special moment again?

Think back to your childhood for a minute. What are the first cherished thoughts that come to your mind? Many things that make it onto your list will be simple things.

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The Head vs The Heart
Change, Inner Conflict, Daily Living, Quotations Dion Le Roux Change, Inner Conflict, Daily Living, Quotations Dion Le Roux

The Head vs The Heart

Have you ever been caught in a constant tug-of-war between the heart and the mind?

The heart operates in a realm of simplicity, cutting through the noise of rationalisation and intellectual convolution to arrive at a truth that resonates on a profoundly human level.

What the heart knows is grounded in authenticity, and often aligned with the core values and desires that define one's being.

You cannot and should not ignore it.

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Communication Mishaps
Communication, Relationships, Quotations Dion Le Roux Communication, Relationships, Quotations Dion Le Roux

Communication Mishaps

"My mouth is wired to my heart and my brain. When I speak, I sometimes get the connections wrong." - Dion Le Roux

Imagine you're at a job interview, trying to impress the interviewing panel with your professionalism and communication skills. You confidently answer a question about your strengths, saying, "Well, I'm like a Swiss army knife! I have a tool for every ... uh, situation and can ... um, slice through challenges with ... precision?"

The hiring manager gives you a puzzled look, and you can feel the sweat forming on your brow. Your brain is desperately trying to backtrack, but the damage is done. "I mean, I'm versatile and adaptable, like ... uh, a chameleon in a business suit!" you hastily add, hoping to salvage the interview.

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Five Going on Fifteen

Five Going on Fifteen

Meet the pint-sized philosophers, the nippers with attitudes, and the mini versions of humanity that have seemingly swapped fruit juice boxes for espresso.

Forget building sandcastles; these mini-mavericks are busy texting on imaginary phones and debating which YouTuber is the best.

Hand a five-year-old a tablet, and you'll witness a digital maestro in action. They swipe, tap, and navigate apps with expertise that makes you question your own tech literacy. Siri, meet your miniature competition.

Let us have a look at a sneak preview that today's five-year-olds are giving us into their teenage years, and tell me if you recognise any of these …

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Are You Ignorant About Your Ignorance ?

Are You Ignorant About Your Ignorance ?

Imagine you're at a backyard braai (barbecue for my non-South African friends) where the smell of a lekker tjopie (chop) wafts, and you know that the neighbours are drooling. You sip your doppie (drink), and the conversation turns to the delicate art of braaing.

As a culinary maestro in your own right, you confidently jump into the discussion. You start sharing profound insights on the ideal grill temperature, meat marination techniques, and the sacred grilling-to-flipping ratio.

Congratulations! You might be experiencing the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action. It's that magical moment when you feel like the Gordon Ramsay of braai while your actual braai skills could use a bit of seasoning.

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Anger is a Secondary Emotion

Anger is a Secondary Emotion

Have you ever felt angry, ready to explode like a shaken soda can?

My Afrikaans-speaking friends will know that we have some colourful expressions when we are angry, such as "Ek het my moer nou mors af gestrip", usually accompanied by one or two choice swear words in between.

But do you know that Anger is often just the superhero cape worn by other, frequently unnoticed, emotions? In other words, on the world stage, Anger isn't the main character; it's more like a sidekick that makes a dramatic entrance.

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I Can’t Sing But I Speak Sh#@ Fluently

I Can’t Sing But I Speak Sh#@ Fluently

It all started innocently enough. There I was, a young teenager in the shower, belting out UB40's "Red Red Wine" with the confidence of Ali Campbell himself. And I found myself dreaming.

I dreamed of a world where my voice was a celestial tapestry woven with threads of silk and gravel dancing through the air. A world where my ballads would melt hearts with words that carried the weight of countless stories and unspoken emotions. A world where the girls would be enchanted, and audiences captivated.

But eish (alas), the reality was that my singing voice had the range of a distressed donkey, the shower head was cringing, and my sister was shouting at me to stop trying to kill the cat.

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The Frog in the Pot
Complacency, Future, Change, Society Dion Le Roux Complacency, Future, Change, Society Dion Le Roux

The Frog in the Pot

Picture a frog in a pot of water. (It's a cliché analogy, but stick with me).

Now, imagine the water is cool, comfortable, and seemingly harmless. As the frog lounges, the heat is turned up ever so gradually. The temperature rises gradually, and the frog, unaware of the subtle change, adapts to the warmth until it's too late.

This well-known metaphor is not just about frogs and pots; it's a lens through which we can view the slow normalisation of abnormal situations in society.

In today's world, we are that frog, simmering in the pot of societal norms shifting around us, often unnoticed. There's an eerie parallel between the gradual temperature rise in the pot and the creeping acceptance of abnormal circumstances as the new normal.

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Slow Burn
Burnout, Mental Health, Self Care, Fatique, Wellness, Stress Dion Le Roux Burnout, Mental Health, Self Care, Fatique, Wellness, Stress Dion Le Roux

Slow Burn

Ah, burnout – that sneaky, slow burn that can turn your once vibrant work-life equilibrium into a smouldering heap.

It's the kind of thing that doesn't come with flashing warning signs or blaring alarms. No, it's more like a quiet ember, patiently smouldering until you realize you're on the verge of combustion. And that is what makes it dangerous.

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The Honour of a Normal Life
Wellness, Mindfullness, Honour, Daily Living Dion Le Roux Wellness, Mindfullness, Honour, Daily Living Dion Le Roux

The Honour of a Normal Life

In our modern world, pursuing success and recognition is an all-consuming pastime for many, and society often places a premium on extraordinary achievements. It seems every young person wants to become a famous YouTuber.

And yet, amid this clamour for greatness, we should not forget that there is honour in the simplicity and authenticity of everyday life.

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True Love
Quotations, Romance, Love, Relationships Dion Le Roux Quotations, Romance, Love, Relationships Dion Le Roux

True Love

Love and patience are mortal enemies, but true love gives patience the freedom to flourish first before ultimately emerging victorious." - Dion Le Roux

Have you ever pondered the power of human emotions and wrestled with how complex intimate relationships can be? The delicate interplay between love and patience is a profound narrative that unfolds within this tapestry.

Love can be vibrant, exciting, compelling, and urgent. It can make you feel alive and set your soul on fire. Patience, on the other hand, can feel disruptive and challenging. The two don't always feel compatible.

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Psychological Rape
Quotations, Mental Health, Relationships Dion Le Roux Quotations, Mental Health, Relationships Dion Le Roux

Psychological Rape

"Psychological rape is possibly the worst form of abuse. Like an invisible cancer, it slowly eats away at your soul until there is simply nothing left" - Dion Le Roux

If this quote evokes a chilling awareness of the profound and insidious nature of psychological abuse, then it will have served its purpose well. It intentionally draws a poignant parallel between the violation of one's psyche and the relentless devastation caused by a cancerous force, both eroding the essence of an individual until they are left hollow.

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Half Time and Beyond
Daily Living, Wellness Dion Le Roux Daily Living, Wellness Dion Le Roux

Half Time and Beyond

Life is a game played in two halves, and as the clock ticks past the 50-year mark, many of us find ourselves transitioning into the second half. It’s a period marked by wisdom, reflection, and a profound shift in perspective.

But the second half of life brings unique challenges and opportunities that distinguish it from the earlier years.

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The Future Will Be Faster
Quotations, Future Dion Le Roux Quotations, Future Dion Le Roux

The Future Will Be Faster

"The future will be faster. Can you keep up?" - Dion Le Roux

Are you ready for the future? Brace yourself because it will be a faster, bumpier and possibly more exhilarating ride than ever!

Technology and society itself are evolving at an unprecedented pace, and this rapid change will continue to challenge us to evolve and adapt accordingly.

The past two decades have witnessed change on a scale never seen before, ushering in a whirlwind of megatrends that have reshaped how we live, work, and interact with the world. From the rapid advancement of technology to shifts in societal norms, these trends have collectively propelled us into a future that often feels like science fiction brought to life.

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Tough Conversations

Tough Conversations

"Sometimes one conversation is all you're going to get, and the future will depend on how well you handle the discussion." - Dion Le Roux

Have you ever thought about how a single conversation can have a profound impact on the course of our lives?

This quote invites us to reflect on the power of pivotal dialogues - those moments when the outcome of a single exchange can shape our relationships, opportunities, and even our destinies. Whether it's a job interview, a critical negotiation, or a heart-to-heart discussion, the way we handle that one conversation can determine the path we take forward.

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