My aim is to inspire people around the world one blog post at a time.

This is the place to nourish your mind, heart, body and soul.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch your own business. Maybe you want to escape the rat race and find peace in simple living. Maybe you want to improve your health. Whatever your dream is, it is valid!

  • Dreams without action are just dreams. But taking action doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job and burning the ocean. Small steps matter. It is the ability to plug away consistently at something over time that is the key. Small steps add up. You’ll get there!

  • If you keep building slowly and consistently with passion each day, adding value that matters to you, then the growth will take care of itself. The keys to achieving success are patience and avoiding complacency.

The Kinds of Intimacy We Need
Relationships, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux Relationships, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux

The Kinds of Intimacy We Need

Many of us might immediately picture romantic or physical closeness when we think of intimacy in relationships.

However, intimacy encompasses a broader range of connections essential for building strong, fulfilling relationships.

Intimacy is thus multifaceted.

Let's explore the different kinds of intimacy and understand why they are vital for healthy relationships.

By nurturing these different forms of intimacy, we can create deeper connections, enhance communication, and foster a sense of trust and understanding that leads to lasting happiness.

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Why Are You So Defensive?
Human Behaviour, Conflict, Relationships Dion Le Roux Human Behaviour, Conflict, Relationships Dion Le Roux

Why Are You So Defensive?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you acted in a way that seemed out of character? Maybe you avoided confronting a problem or reacted in anger when you felt hurt.

These are all examples of psychological defence mechanisms at work—the shields we unconsciously use to protect ourselves from uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, or situations.

So, why do we do this? Why do our minds employ such complex mechanisms to shield us from reality?

Well, it all comes down to survival, both physical and emotional.

Evolutionarily, our brains are wired to keep us safe and ensure our well-being. However, not only external threats trigger these defences; internal conflicts and distressing emotions can also prompt their activation.

So, let's delve into some of the most common psychological shields and explore how we use them in our lives.

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Four Types of Men - Which Do Women Prefer?
Relationships, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux Relationships, Human Behaviour Dion Le Roux

Four Types of Men - Which Do Women Prefer?

Understanding the various types of men and their associated characteristics can offer valuable insights into their behaviour and what you can expect from a relationship with them.

These classifications of men often stem from social and evolutionary psychology, cultural norms and societal expectations.

So, let's delve into the different kinds of males and explore why women may prefer one type over another.

First off, we have the alpha male. This term originates from the study of animal behaviour, particularly in wolf packs where the alpha male is the dominant leader.

In human society, alpha males are typically confident, assertive, and ambitious.

They're natural leaders who command respect and admiration from others. Alpha males tend to be outgoing, competitive, and goal-oriented, often excelling in positions of power and authority.

They're decisive decision-makers, not ones to waver or second-guess themselves.

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Authentic Love
Relationships, Romance, Quotations Dion Le Roux Relationships, Romance, Quotations Dion Le Roux

Authentic Love

Have you ever felt like someone's words and actions don't match up?

As humans, we communicate in both verbal and non-verbal ways, but the complexity of emotions often makes it hard to interpret what someone truly means.

Paying attention to the unspoken language of emotions is essential. Just think about it; sometimes, the things left unsaid or undone can tell us more about someone's true sentiments than what they say.

As I write this article with Valentine's Day on the horizon, I know that many young (and perhaps not so young) hearts will fall madly in love. And as magical as that may be, love requires a sober-mindedness that forces us to pay attention to things we are prone to ignore when we are in love.

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Communication Mishaps
Communication, Relationships, Quotations Dion Le Roux Communication, Relationships, Quotations Dion Le Roux

Communication Mishaps

"My mouth is wired to my heart and my brain. When I speak, I sometimes get the connections wrong." - Dion Le Roux

Imagine you're at a job interview, trying to impress the interviewing panel with your professionalism and communication skills. You confidently answer a question about your strengths, saying, "Well, I'm like a Swiss army knife! I have a tool for every ... uh, situation and can ... um, slice through challenges with ... precision?"

The hiring manager gives you a puzzled look, and you can feel the sweat forming on your brow. Your brain is desperately trying to backtrack, but the damage is done. "I mean, I'm versatile and adaptable, like ... uh, a chameleon in a business suit!" you hastily add, hoping to salvage the interview.

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Five Going on Fifteen

Five Going on Fifteen

Meet the pint-sized philosophers, the nippers with attitudes, and the mini versions of humanity that have seemingly swapped fruit juice boxes for espresso.

Forget building sandcastles; these mini-mavericks are busy texting on imaginary phones and debating which YouTuber is the best.

Hand a five-year-old a tablet, and you'll witness a digital maestro in action. They swipe, tap, and navigate apps with expertise that makes you question your own tech literacy. Siri, meet your miniature competition.

Let us have a look at a sneak preview that today's five-year-olds are giving us into their teenage years, and tell me if you recognise any of these …

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Are You Ignorant About Your Ignorance ?

Are You Ignorant About Your Ignorance ?

Imagine you're at a backyard braai (barbecue for my non-South African friends) where the smell of a lekker tjopie (chop) wafts, and you know that the neighbours are drooling. You sip your doppie (drink), and the conversation turns to the delicate art of braaing.

As a culinary maestro in your own right, you confidently jump into the discussion. You start sharing profound insights on the ideal grill temperature, meat marination techniques, and the sacred grilling-to-flipping ratio.

Congratulations! You might be experiencing the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action. It's that magical moment when you feel like the Gordon Ramsay of braai while your actual braai skills could use a bit of seasoning.

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True Love
Quotations, Romance, Love, Relationships Dion Le Roux Quotations, Romance, Love, Relationships Dion Le Roux

True Love

Love and patience are mortal enemies, but true love gives patience the freedom to flourish first before ultimately emerging victorious." - Dion Le Roux

Have you ever pondered the power of human emotions and wrestled with how complex intimate relationships can be? The delicate interplay between love and patience is a profound narrative that unfolds within this tapestry.

Love can be vibrant, exciting, compelling, and urgent. It can make you feel alive and set your soul on fire. Patience, on the other hand, can feel disruptive and challenging. The two don't always feel compatible.

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Psychological Rape
Quotations, Mental Health, Relationships Dion Le Roux Quotations, Mental Health, Relationships Dion Le Roux

Psychological Rape

"Psychological rape is possibly the worst form of abuse. Like an invisible cancer, it slowly eats away at your soul until there is simply nothing left" - Dion Le Roux

If this quote evokes a chilling awareness of the profound and insidious nature of psychological abuse, then it will have served its purpose well. It intentionally draws a poignant parallel between the violation of one's psyche and the relentless devastation caused by a cancerous force, both eroding the essence of an individual until they are left hollow.

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Tough Conversations

Tough Conversations

"Sometimes one conversation is all you're going to get, and the future will depend on how well you handle the discussion." - Dion Le Roux

Have you ever thought about how a single conversation can have a profound impact on the course of our lives?

This quote invites us to reflect on the power of pivotal dialogues - those moments when the outcome of a single exchange can shape our relationships, opportunities, and even our destinies. Whether it's a job interview, a critical negotiation, or a heart-to-heart discussion, the way we handle that one conversation can determine the path we take forward.

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Why Are You Settling ?
Quotations, Relationships, Conflict, Daily Living Dion Le Roux Quotations, Relationships, Conflict, Daily Living Dion Le Roux

Why Are You Settling ?

"Our hearts know the truth, and our minds filter that truth to protect us from foolish impulsiveness. Sometimes, though, that filter is too strong, and so we sacrifice the possibility of life in full technicolour glory to forever stumble in trenches of black and white." - Dion Le Roux

Have you ever stood at a proverbial crossroads? Have you ever wondered which way to go? Have you ever been overwhelmed by the intuitive desires of your heart only to be challenged by the overpowering rationale of your mind?

And after contemplating the pros and cons for days or weeks, did you decide? More importantly, was your decision the right one?

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Soul Mates
Quotations, Romance, Soul Connections, Relationships Dion Le Roux Quotations, Romance, Soul Connections, Relationships Dion Le Roux

Soul Mates

“It is a rare gift to find someone who can look into your eyes and reach your soul, gently squeezing your heart without a word so that you want to cry and laugh at the same time.” - Dion Le Roux

Soul connections are intimate alchemy, and in the vast tapestry of human connections, it is a rare gift to find someone you can authentically connect with effortlessly at a deeper, more profound level.

How often have you crossed paths with someone who you knew gets you? Someone who intuitively understands your deepest thoughts before you have spoken them? Someone who provides the space for you to be vulnerable and who appreciates you even when you are.

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Genius or a Fool ?

Genius or a Fool ?

"We all have a little bit of genius and a little bit of a fool inside of us, and both are important. The hard part is letting each bit out at just the right moment" - Dion Le Roux

Do you ever feel like you have a little bit of genius and a little bit of a fool inside of you? Are you scared to let the fool out? Or do you let the fool out at the wrong time?

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A Life Without Children
Quotations, Parenting, Relationships, Children Dion Le Roux Quotations, Parenting, Relationships, Children Dion Le Roux

A Life Without Children

"Life without children is like Coca-Cola without bubbles." - Dion Le Roux

Are you ready for a playful yet profound analogy that captures the essence of parenthood?

Raising kids is a lot like staring into a glass of Coca-Cola. At first glance, it's all bubbly, effervescent excitement. But as any parent will tell you, the fizzy joy is accompanied by unexpected burps, occasional spills, and a few moments that make you question your sanity.

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

"Emotional intelligence always trumps cognitive intelligence because we are social beings that depend on mutually beneficial relationships with others to thrive" - Dion Le Roux

Emotional Intelligence is not a warm, fuzzy concept dreamt up by your Human Resources Department but is, in fact, the very fabric that holds society together.

From the dawn of time, human existence has been a complex tapestry of emotions, relationships, and interactions. Amidst this intricate dance, the profound truth is that emotional Intelligence always supersedes cognitive Intelligence.

Why is that?

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